What Is Dealer Fusion?

Dealer Fusion is a modern and automated car dealer website solution. It’s designed to provide car dealerships with fully customizable websites that require minimal maintenance. The platform automates inventory management, updates in real-time, and offers extensive customization options.

How Does Dealer Fusion Work?

Dealer Fusion integrates with your dealership’s management system (DMS) to automatically update your website with real-time inventory data. It offers a user-friendly interface for customization, ensuring that your website reflects your brand and preferences.

What Sets Dealer Fusion Apart?

Dealer Fusion stands out due to its simplicity. While many platforms are complicated and include redundant features already found in your DMS, Dealer Fusion specializes in website design, allowing your DMS to focus on its core functions.

How Does Dealer Fusion Work?

Dealer Fusion integrates with your dealership’s management system (DMS) to automatically update your website with real-time inventory data. It offers a user-friendly interface for customization, ensuring that your website reflects your brand and preferences.

Can I See Examples of Websites Created with Dealer Fusion?

Certainly! You can see examples here.

Is Dealer Fusion Suitable for All Dealership Sizes?

Dealer Fusion is designed to be equally effective for both small and large car dealerships. Whether you have a small inventory of 2 cars or a large inventory of 2000 cars, our websites are tailored to work seamlessly and efficiently for businesses of all sizes.

What Customization Options Are Available?

At Dealer Fusion, we offer nearly endless customization options for your website. Our primary focus is on user-centric design, ensuring that visitors can efficiently discover the best cars in your inventory. You have the flexibility to edit and tailor every section of your website to fit your dealership’s specific needs perfectly. This means you can create a website that not only reflects your brand but also provides an exceptional user experience, making it easier for customers to find the ideal car.

Can I Use My Own Branding and Design Preferences?

Yes, you can fully integrate your branding and design preferences into your Dealer Fusion website. We utilize your logo, colors, fonts, and other branding elements to create a cohesive and customized online presence that aligns perfectly with your dealership’s identity.

How Does Dealer Fusion Handle Inventory Management?

Dealer Fusion seamlessly manages your inventory by automating the process. We take the output from your dealership’s management system (DMS) and populate your website’s inventory in real-time. This means that your online inventory is always up-to-date and reflects the current status of your available vehicles.

Is There a Limit to the Number of Vehicles I Can List?

There are no limitations when it comes to the number of vehicles you can list on your Dealer Fusion website. Whether you have a small or extensive inventory, our platform accommodates all sizes, ensuring that you can showcase all your vehicles without restrictions.

What Makes Dealer Fusion a Cost-Effective Choice?

Dealer Fusion offers a flat-rate pricing solution of $89, making it highly cost-effective for car dealerships of all sizes. This affordability is possible because of our scalable system. Instead of building entirely custom websites from scratch for each dealer, we leverage elements from a variety of designs to create unique and fully customized solutions that align with each dealer’s style and preferences. This approach ensures that you get a tailored website without the hefty price tag associated with traditional custom development.

Can I Cancel My Subscription at Any Time?

Absolutely! There are no long-term contracts with Dealer Fusion, and you have the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time. We believe in providing our customers with the freedom to make choices that best suit their needs.

What Kind of Customer Support Is Available?

Our customer support is USA-based and available from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM. Our team is dedicated to providing assistance, answering questions, and ensuring that you have the support you need to make the most of your Dealer Fusion experience.

Is Dealer Fusion Compatible with Mobile Devices and Different Browsers?

Yes, Dealer Fusion ensures 100% compatibility with various mobile devices and browsers. We optimize your website to deliver a seamless and responsive experience on screens of all sizes, from smartphones to desktops. Additionally, we rigorously test your website on multiple browsers to guarantee that it functions flawlessly, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience for all visitors.

Can I Access Analytics for My Website?

If you wish to access analytics for your website, you have options. We can provide direct access to an analytics dashboard, allowing you to monitor and analyze your website’s performance in real-time. Alternatively, if you prefer a hands-off approach, we can schedule monthly analytics reports for you. The choice depends on how engaged you want to be with your website’s analytics data.

Does Dealer Fusion Use My Branding Elements?

Yes, we prioritize your branding elements. We fully integrate your logo, colors, fonts, and complete branding into your Dealer Fusion website. This ensures that your online presence aligns seamlessly with your dealership’s identity and brand standards.

How Frequently Is My Website's Inventory Updated?

There is no set limit on how frequently your website’s inventory is updated. Dealer Fusion operates in real-time, ensuring that your inventory is always up-to-date. As soon as changes occur in your dealership’s management system (DMS), they are reflected on your website, providing potential customers with the latest information on available vehicles.

Can I Integrate Third-Party Tools or Services with Dealer Fusion?

No, integration of third-party tools or services is not supported by Dealer Fusion. Our platform is intentionally designed to be simple and hands-off for your website needs, streamlining the process of managing and maintaining your online presence without the need for additional integrations.

Do You Offer SEO Optimization for Websites Created with Dealer Fusion?

While Dealer Fusion itself focuses on website design and management, our parent company, Focus Digital Marketing, offers comprehensive SEO optimization services. They specialize in enhancing your website’s visibility on search engines like Google, ensuring that potential customers can easily find your dealership online.

Can I Integrate Third-Party Tools or Services with Dealer Fusion?

No, integration of third-party tools or services is not supported by Dealer Fusion. Our platform is intentionally designed to be simple and hands-off for your website needs, streamlining the process of managing and maintaining your online presence without the need for additional integrations.

What Happens If There's a Technical Issue with My Website?

Resolving technical issues with your Dealer Fusion website is straightforward and efficient. We continuously monitor your site 24/7 using our Focus Engine AI. In the event of any error, our AI system promptly alerts us. Most of the time, our system can autonomously correct these errors. However, if the AI system encounters an issue it cannot resolve, our team steps in to manually correct it. This proactive approach ensures the reliability and uptime of your website.

Updates and Maintenance

Updates and maintenance are performed continuously to ensure the optimal performance of your Dealer Fusion website. Importantly, these updates are carried out seamlessly without affecting the usability of your live website. Updates are conducted on a non-live version of the site, and once they are complete and thoroughly tested, the system seamlessly pushes the new instance to a live state. This process occurs without any noticeable disruption, ensuring that your website remains operational at all times.

Is Dealer Fusion Compatible with Mobile Devices and Different Browsers?

Yes, Dealer Fusion ensures 100% compatibility with various mobile devices and browsers. We optimize your website to deliver a seamless and responsive experience on screens of all sizes, from smartphones to desktops. Additionally, we rigorously test your website on multiple browsers to guarantee that it functions flawlessly, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience for all visitors.

Are There Any Hidden Costs or Fees to Be Aware Of?

Dealer Fusion operates with complete transparency, and there are zero hidden costs or additional fees to be aware of. You pay the flat-rate subscription fee, and everything is included without any surprises.


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